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Pest of wheat ( systematic position , habits, damage and control of sesamia inferens)
Sesamia inferens - Pest of wheat
Sesamia inferens ##the wheat stem borer ## one of the most imp. topic for CBLU of final year
Pest of wheat ( sesamia inferens life cycle)
Pest of Wheat
Sesamia inferens ## short notes on the stem borer ( final year) ### most important for exam
"Systematic position of pest + damage + control "
pest of wheat
Pests of Wheat crop|Aphids|wireworms|Bugs|
Integrated Pest Management of the Wheat Stem Sawfly
Yellowing of wheat & Its Solution-Sesamia Inferens گندم کا پیلا ہونا اور اسکا حل
Pests of cotton ( systematic position , habits and damage )